Relationship Fundamentals
Healthy and Purposeful Relationships
Human beings are social creatures by nature; we have friends, family, and romantic partners, plus countless other ongoing or temporary relationships and interpersonal interactions that influence our lives. The social skills necessary to master interactions across this relationship continuum are nuanced and can be challenging to navigate -- this is why redpoint developed a new masterclass: Relationship Fundamentals.
Over the years, we steadily customized our social skills curriculum, drawing from proprietary content and the work of PEERS®, the UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills.

redpoint delivers our core curriculum in three ways:
In any relationship, the interaction between individuals, groups, or people representing other people, is carried out through words, emotions, and actions. Often, the intentions behind these actions are not easy to interpret or convey.
Some relationships can be complex – all relationships take work!
Common client goals include feeling more comfortable and confident in social settings, establishing new friendships, and deepening current friendships.
Supportive, meaningful relationships require an investment of time, energy, patience, and practice. That’s why redpoint is here to guide you forward.
The Relationship Fundamentals masterclass helps you identify your goals, evaluate social interactions in your daily life, and develop new skills. Your coach and/or team provides feedback and support as you put in the work to best connect with others.
All relationships exist on a continuum of interpersonal closeness, ranging from a brief interaction with a stranger to occasional outings with a casual friend, to a much deeper connection with a best friend or intimate partner. Challenges can occur across this spectrum, such as navigating transactional conversations with baristas or store clerks, making, or keeping friends, fitting in with coworkers, or handling conflict with family members or a romantic partner.
Relationship Fundamentals helps clients interact with people at every point along the Relationship Continuum.
Some interactions will remain at fixed points on the continuum, while over time, other relationships will grow.
The Relationship Continuum
Interesting small talk topics; how to start, maintain, or join a conversation; chatting via electronic media do’s and don'ts; appropriate use of humor, etc.
Giving/receiving feedback and advice, handling rejection, negotiation tips, problem-solving, resolving arguments and disagreements, being assertive, etc.
Expanding the ability to identify, understand, and respond to emotions in oneself and others
Interpreting non-verbal cues
Identifying healthy choices in friendships
Boundaries - realizing when you may need to move someone backward on the relationship continuum
Asking someone on a date, dating etiquette, the stages of dating, how to define the relationship (DTR)
Boundaries –handling pressure, unhealthy relationships, etc.
What Our Clients Are Saying
After Participating
What Our Clients Are Saying
Before Signing up
“I’m attending a social gathering but won’t know anyone there; how do I meet people?”
“I tend to say the wrong thing when talking with people and don’t realize it until it’s too late.”
“I’d like to know how to find a partner and start dating but I don’t even know where to begin.”
“I would highly recommend. I truly feel as though I grew as a person. Extremely great support throughout the entire process.”
“Since participating in PEERS®, I have initiated multiple "get togethers", went to the state fair with friends last weekend, and a friend is coming over to hang out this week”
“I have been able to carry on conversations at work – I have been able to move the conversation along even when I’m not initially interested in what they’re talking about.”

The Core Members of your team can include
redpoint 1:1 Coach
A subject matter expert who understands theories and curriculums to serve your individual relationship goals. Beyond 1:1 sessions, this coach may also be your PEERS® Facilitator or Group Social Coach.
PEERS® Facilitator
A PEERS® Certified Provider and group leader who has completed 20 hours of training at UCLA in the implementation of the PEERS® for Young Adults.
PEERS® Group Social Coach
A redpoint coach who promotes the generalization of skills during group practice sessions and 1:1 sessions between classes.
One-On-One Coaching
Private | Personalized | At Your Own Pace
redpoint coaches will draw upon all Relationship Fundamentals and related curriculums, theories, and methods to best meet your individual needs. Coach and client will discuss relationship and social needs and set attainable goals. Each week, you’ll move through the curriculum, discuss relevant social situations, and role play.
redpoint clients often start with 1:1 coaching, then join a PEERS® group – this sequence allows clients to build rapport with the facilitator and increase skills and confidence before diving into group content.
One on One Social Coaching FAQ
Client + redpoint Coach
Current redpoint clients expressing interest in Relationships Matter masterclasses can skip straight to the second step of their preferred method of delivery.
Service inquiry: Download this form, fill it out, and follow the instructions to submit. We will discuss with you during a complementary 15-minute discovery call to see if we’re a good fit.
Intake Appointment: A 60-minute meeting to explore your experiences, communication skills, preferences, interests, strengths, values, needs, goals, and potential hurdles or barriers.
Determine frequency and location: Coaching continues along a schedule that works best for you, typically, 1-2x weekly or monthly. Most clients meet via telehealth or at redpoint’s WeWork offices in South Lake Union. We can also meet in a home, on campus, or in a coffee shop—whatever best suits your schedule and comfort preferences.
Starting at $140/hour
PEERS® Social Skills Groups
Adults Ages 18-38 | 14 Weeks | Sharpen Social Skills in a Social Setting
redpoint Seattle adapted the UCLA’s PEERS® program to best serve the needs of redpoint clients. In group sessions, individuals learn important social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills with peers. Each class builds upon itself, so attendance is a critical element of success. Between sessions, you will meet with your PEERS® Group Social Coach to discuss your specific social interactions, role play, and receive real-time feedback.
PEERS® Social Skills Groups FAQ
Client + Other Participants + PEERS® Facilitator + PEERS® Group Social Coach
Service inquiry: Download this form, fill it out, and follow the instructions to submit. We will discuss with you during a complementary 15-minute discovery call to see if we’re a good fit.
Intake Appointment: A 60-minute meeting to explore your experiences, communication skills, preferences, interests, strengths, values, needs, goals, and potential hurdles or barriers.
Determine schedule and location: Most groups will be held in-person at redpoint’s WeWork offices in South Lake Union, though some may be held online through Microsoft TEAMS. The facilitator will coordinate schedules of participants and send out an email confirming time/location two weeks prior to the first meeting.
$250 Intake Fee
$210 per week including: weekly 90-minute group sessions + weekly 30-minute 1:1 calls with your social coach between sessions
Financial commitment is required, 50% paid upfront to reserve your spot for the 14-week curriculum, the balance due mid-way through the program.
Space is limited, so anyone who takes a spot must honor their commitment.
At this time, we offer groups to individuals 18+ years of age.
Boot Camps
Adults Ages 18-38 | 1-2 Day Sessions | Sharpen Social Skills in a Social Setting
Boot Camps are designed to teach specific evidence-based social skills in a shorter amount of time. Topics include:
Attendees are presented with targeted skills through instruction, role play demonstrations, and time designated to practice the newly learned skills. During practice time, attendees will be divided into small breakout groups and work directly with social coaches. Attendees will leave knowing more, feeling more confident, and ready to take the next step.
Boot Camps FAQ
Client + Other Participants + PEERS® Facilitator
Service Inquiry: Download this form, fill it out, and follow the instructions to submit. We will discuss this with you during a complementary 15-minute discovery call to clarify your expectations for the group and our expectations for your participation. We’ll review a calendar of upcoming boot camps to see if any align with your schedule.
Determine schedule and location: If PEERS® Boot Camp is a good fit, we’ll send the specific when/where information for your selected boot camp(s).
Starting at $500
General FAQs
We provide several convenient payment options. Our preferred payment methods are ACH and bill pay, set up directly with our account number. Other methods include personal check by mail, or a check from your Health Savings Account. You can pay your invoice by credit card for a standard fee. Make checks out to “redpoint Seattle” and mail it to the address on the invoice. Please do not provide payment directly to our coaches.
We can provide a superbill for social skills coaching and groups, however you will need to check with your insurance to verify benefits and coverage.
Our Lead Coaches have master’s degrees in applicable fields, including social work and counseling. Our support staff has bachelor’s degrees in related fields. PEERS® Facilitators have completed UCLA PEERS® training and are certified to implement PEERS® programs. redpoint social coaches have been trained by the PEERS® Certified Provider.
Medical records are stored within a HIPAA compliant system of digital and physical documents. We have security measures in place to keep your information private. At the beginning of services, we will discuss Informed Consent and share how we store your data.