Coaching Services
One-on-One Coaching
One-on-one coaching is the heart of what we do. Our clients are experts on their personal needs, goals, and pace. Coaching is different from counseling and other support services. Successful coaching leads to the summit of your journey. Taking this step is just the beginning of the purposeful, independent, and fulfilling life you deserve.

As your coach, we will:

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
— Thomas A. Edison
Academic Coaching
Choosing an academic and career path is a big choice for anyone. Most people need to explore what is the right choice for them. The process of discovering and fulfilling your long-term goals can be intimidating, but you’re not alone. The good news is you don’t need to have it all figured out right now. Our proprietary curriculum and expert staff will help you navigate the journey.
At the basecamp of your academic climb, we will provide tests and tools to help you uncover your strengths and interests. This provides a solid foundation to launch the rest of your academic journey.
Next, we gather all that essential information from basecamp and apply it to make vital decisions. This is where we support your search as you determine goodness of fit and give guidance as you choose a school and program.
At this stage, we will work with you, as a team, to build a sustainable budget to serve you and your chosen path. We will also connect you with academic and accommodative resources, as needed.
Now you’re approaching the descent of your academic journey. Whether you have stuck with the original plan or had to re-route, have a post-school plan. Here, we will help you investigate job shadows and internship opportunities.

During your academic journey, we will:

Vocational Coaching
In America, where the culture is often work-obsessed, it’s important to understand and execute a healthy work-life balance. Work is a normal part of living an independent life, where you expand your social circle and earn money to be financially independent. Finding an ideal job takes time and effort; as you navigate the steps to finding your vocational path, our vocational modules will support you in determining goodness of fit. Throughout this journey, our expert staff will serve as your guide.
The basecamp of your vocational journey allows you to learn about yourself and explore job opportunities that intrigue you. At this point, we will provide tests and tools to help you discover your strengths and interests.
The next step is to gather your strengths and interests and find what vocational path is a good fit for you. Here, we will work together to develop a strong resume and cover letter that highlights your strengths.
Now that we have a good foundation to job search, we will connect you with opportunities for community service, volunteer work, and/or internships. We will also provide you with skills and strategies for interviews.
At this stage, you’ve secured a job. Now, you’ll learn to manage the responsibility that accompanies a paying job. We will support you in adjusting to your new schedule, staying organized, and building financial literacy.

During your vocational exploration, we will:

Life Fundamentals
Life encompasses all we do, so it can be a lot to juggle. As you traverse the journey of an independent life, it’s useful to have systems in place to support you. No matter if you are venturing into new territory or moving through your daily routine, our job is to help you establish ways to be successful in life’s endeavors.
At basecamp we take stock of the fundamentals that have strong foundations and those that need establishing and support. Recognizing your success of established skills helps us identify areas to support and monitor for growth.
Here, you partner with your coach to prioritize the fundamentals that you have chosen. Creating an Action Plan that budgets time to practice these skills and successfully master your goals a major key to achieving success.
The official start of the journey has arrived – it’s time to climb! Using your Action Plan as a guide, you will practice, connect with resources, and receive feedback from your coach to fine-tune the new skills you are trying out.
Life doesn’t have a true descent – we are always learning! The descent of this journey signifies mastery of your chosen fundamentals and an established foundation that allows you to successfully acquire new skills and take on future learning.

In establishing your life fundamentals, we will:

Relationship Coaching
Relationships play a vital role in having a fulfilled, balanced life; they are a cornerstone of what makes us human. redpoint developed Relationship Fundamentals to help you establish, nurture, and grow safe and fulfilling relationships of all kinds. In this program, you will have access to one-on-one coaching, PEERS® Groups, and boot camps.