Socializing in the Rainy Season

In Washington, we are no strangers to cloudy and rainy days – it’s a defining characteristic of our state. Any day from now until July has the potential to be chilly, gray, and dreary, which is not the ideal weather for going to the beach, hiking, listening to live music in the park, or hosting a barbecue. So, while it may be comfortable and familiar to throw on your flannel pajamas and binge-watch some TV shows and movies, it’s still important to get out and socialize. 

Bundle Up! 

Getting outside in colder weather or rain may be less popular, but it’s still doable! If you like hiking, there are groups that coordinate hikes together year-round. Some of them go out on a variety of excursions, like snowshoeing, skiing, biking, and good old-fashioned walking. The Field Trip Society is another good option – they organize seasonally appropriate field trips. Of course, you could always organize an outing of your own with a friend or two. Maybe take a walk with a cup of coffee, walk your dogs, or even go rockhounding and look for crystals! 

 Of course, that said, make sure you take proper precautions according to the weather. Dress in layers and include some water-resistant items if it’s rainy. If you don’t have the proper attire, that could even be another fun outing! Grab your friends and go pick out some new hiking or biking gear together. Also, remember that weather can bring about some safety issues. If you’re going hiking, be sure to check that the trail is open and safe to travel. It’s also worth buying something reflective, like a jacket or vest since heavy rain and darker days can cause visibility issues. 


Game Nights 

When the weather is dreary and you want to stay indoors, game nights can be a lot of fun! There are many arcades if you feel like playing some video games – whether modern or old-school. You can also find gaming events such as trivia, scavenger hunts, or bingo! 

Of course, there’s always the option of hosting your own game night with family or friends. Invite a group of people and have everyone bring their favorite board or card game or a brand new one that no one has played before. If you choose this route, don’t forget refreshments! You can choose a consistent theme where everyone chips in for pizza and soda or mix it up and have everyone bring whatever dish they feel like that night – then there’s a fun selection of things to mix and match. 


Take a Class 

Picking up a new skill or hobby is a great way to socialize, and there are tons of options to choose from. Perhaps you want to brush up on your kitchen skills – Seattle has a number of cooking classes to offer. You can even find specific ones that focus on what you’re interested in like vegan dishes or pasta-making. If you’re feeling artsy, Seattle won’t let you down there either. From drawing and painting to jewelry design and glass blowing, you’re almost guaranteed to find an art class to your liking. There are some less traditional classes to try out as well, like foraging classes, foreign language courses, or Yale’s free happiness class


In Summary… 

The wet and gray Seattle days can make it easy to stay at home and isolate, but there are a lot of fun social activities to choose from. The bottom line is to get out there and explore. Try out whatever sounds interesting, and you’re bound to find something you like. 



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